Opening Doors Engages Cogeo to Develop Enhanced Facilities for Immigrants and Refugees


Sacramento, CA - Cogeo is excited to announce its partnership with Opening Doors to support its capital campaign for a new headquarters building.

Opening Doors is dedicated to enriching communities by supporting immigrants, refugees, and survivors of trafficking on their path to stability, self-sufficiency, and belonging. Their work has a profound impact on the lives of individuals and families, creating a more inclusive and welcoming society for all.

Cogeo will be working closely with Opening Doors to provide strategic guidance and support for their capital campaign. This partnership reflects Cogeo's commitment to supporting organizations that make a positive impact in their communities.

Of the partnership, Patrick Sampson, CEO of Cogeo, said, "We're thrilled to announce our newest client partnership with Opening Doors. Together, we're focusing on expanding their facilities available to immigrants, refugees, and survivors of trafficking across Northern California. These enhanced spaces won't just provide crucial resources; they'll expand the organization’s unique ability to cultivate a sense of community, resilience, and hope, empowering individuals to pursue stability, self-sufficiency, and belonging with renewed vigor. We couldn’t be more honored to link arms and focus on this critical mission together.”

For more information about Opening Doors, visit


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